LCEA at the NEA RA

All you ever wanted to know about National Education Association Representative Assembly, an annual gathering held in the first weeks of July.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I thought a blog would be a nice way for our membership to keep up on what's happening at the National Education Association (NEA) Representative Assembly and would spare me testing my recall skills when I give a report weeks later. This will be the first time at the national assembly for both Jeri and I. I'm not really sure what to expect, though I imagine it will be similar to the OEA Representative Assembly that I've been to for the past five or six years.

From NEA's Representative Assembly FAQ:

"The National Education Association Representative Assembly—the RA—is the highest decision-making body within the over 2.7 million-member NEA. With over 9,000 delegates, the RA is also the world's largest democratic deliberative body.

Over the course of eight business sessions spanning four days, RA delegates debate the vital issues that impact American public education and set Association policy and activities for the year ahead."

Go to this address to learn more:


  • At 2:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You did an fantastic job on your Blog!!!! I too have attended several of my states delegate assemblies. I have been told NEA's assembly is 100 times bigger than our assembly. Thanks for using your experience to give me perspective with pictures and with words. You have sparked my interest. Look for me in 2008!( I hope!)


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